The ABCs of the United States
A = United States of A__ __ __ __ ca.
B = The birthplace of the American Revolution is B __ __ __ __ n.
C = Washington DC is the c __ __ __ __al of the United States.
D = Two major political parties are the Republicans and the Demo__ __ __ __s.
E = The USA declared independence from Eng__ __ __ __ in 1776.
F = Walt Disney World is in the state of F__ __ __ __da.
G = There are 5 G__ __ __t Lakes, Huron、Superior, Erie, Michigan and Ontario.
H = H __ __ __ __rd is the most famous University in the USA.
I = The original Americans were I__ __ __ans.
J = A famous American president is Thomas J__ __ __ __rson.
K = John F. K__ __ __ __dy was killed in Dallas in 1963.
L = The largest city in California is L __ __ A __ __eles.
M = The longest river in the USA is the M __ __ __ __ssippi.
N = The Statue of Liberty is in the city of N __ __ Y __ __k.
O = A state on the west coast is O __ __ __ __n.
P = The leader of the USA is called the P __ __ __ __dent.
Q = A borough of New York City is called Qu__ __ __s.
R = The American Revo__ __ __ __on began in 1776.
S = Ichiro plays baseball for the S __ __ __ __le Mariners.
T = President George W. Bush comes from the state of T __ __ __ s.
U = Oregon State U __ __ __ __rsity.
V = America fought a war with V __ __ __nam in the 1960s and 1970s.
W = The first president was George W __ __ __ __ngton.
X = Malcolm __ was a black civil rights leader.
Y = Another famous American university is Y __ __ __.
Z = The z __ __ code for Corvallis, Oregon is 97330.