Monday, June 18, 2007
The ABC's of Oregon
The ABC's of Oregon
A=We will land at the a _ _ _ _ _ _ in Portland, Oregon.
B=The mascot of Oregon State University (O.S.U.) is the b _ _ _ _ _.
C=O.S.U. is in the town of C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
D=We will stay in the d _ _ _ itory at O.S.U.
E=E _ _ _ _ _ is a nearby city.
F=People at O.S.U. are f _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
G=You can sit on the g _ _ _ _ in the open areas on campus.
H=I think you will be h _ _ _ _ during your stay.
I=I _ _ _ _ and Oregon are famous for their potatoes.
J=Portland is about a 9 hour flight from J _ _ _ _.
K=You could fly a k _ _ _ while you are there.
L=You can mail a l _ _ _ _ _ from Oregon to a friend.
M=Corvallis is not far from many tall m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s.
N=N _ _ _ _ _ is another state that borders Oregon.
O=One of O.S.U.'s school colors is o _ _ _ _ _.
P=P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the largest city in Oregon.
Q=A small town like Corvallis can be q _ _ _ _.
R=It r _ _ _ s a lot in the winter in Oregon.
S=Gray s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s live in the trees on campus.
T=There are giant fir t _ _ _ s on the campus of O.S.U.
U=An u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ might be useful in Oregon in the winter.
V=Lock your v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s in your room.
W=The W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ river runs through Corvallis.
X=The _ _ x _ time you visit Oregon, you might be a tourist.
Y=Many homes in Oregon have large y _ _ _ s.
Z=Time spent in Oregon will z _ _ by.
Saying goodbye (student B)
Saying Goodbye!
Host parent: You're welcome. We really enjoyed having you. Make sure you keep in touch.
Host parent: Do you still have our address and telephone number?
Host parent: We hope you can visit us again in the future.
Host parent: Well, have a safe flight. Take care.
Host parent: Bye-bye.
Saying goodbye (student A)
Saying Goodbye!
Student: Well, thanks for everything. I really enjoyed my stay with you.
Host parent:
Student: I'll write you a letter when I get back to Japan.
Host parent:
Student: Yes, I sure do!
Host parent:
Student: That would be great! I sure hope so.
Host parent:
Student: Thanks again for everything. Bye.
Host parent:
Monday, June 04, 2007
Monday, December 04, 2006
Dialogue at the Immigration Counter (Student A)
Practice this dialogue with a partner. You are the immigration official.
Immigration Official: Passport, please.
Visiting Student:
Immigration Official: What’s the purpose of your visit?
Visiting Student:
Immigration Official: How long will you be staying?
Visiting Student:
Immigration Official: And where will you be staying?
Visiting Student:
Immigration Official: Are you here with a group?
Visiting Student:
Immigration Official: How much money are you bringing in to the country?
Visiting Student:
Immigration Official: OK, Thank you. Please put your finger on the scanner …. Now look into the camera … OK. That’s it. You can go ahead.
Miki: Come Here and Give Me a Hug (Answers)
Watch the video.
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (C)
5. (A)
the interview
1. (C)
2. (B)
3. (A) and (C)
4. (A)
Miki: Come Here and Give Me a Hug
Watch the video of Miki and Susan and answer the following questions.
1. Who are Miki and Susan visiting?
(A) Cathy's mother
(B) Susan's grandmother
(C) Miki's friend
2. How does the woman greet Susan?
(A) with a hug
(B) by shaking hands
(C) by saying "hello"
3. What do the woman and Miki enjoy looking at?
(A) Susan's coffee
(B) the woman's home
(C) old photographs
4. What does the woman ask Susan to do?
(A) help Miki with her homework
(B) ask Miki for souvenirs
(C) bring some dishes to her mother
5. What does Susan say to her grandmother as she's leaving?
(A) "I love you"
(B) "See you again"
(C) "You're welcome"
Now watch the interview and answer the following questions.
1. How many grandchildren does the woman have?
(A) four
(B) five
(C) thirteen
2. What game does the woman play every Monday?
(A) poker
(B) bridge
(C) blackjack
3. What clubs does the woman belong to? (Choose two.)
(A) a book club
(B) a swimming club
(C) an antique club
4. Who does the woman take care of?
(A) her husband
(B) Miki
(C) her children
Monday, November 27, 2006
Miki: Don't Worry about It (Answers)
Watch the video.
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (A)
5. (C)
the interview
1. (C)
2. (A)
3. (A)
4. (A) and (C)
Miki: Don't Worry about It
Watch the video of Miki talking with her roommates, and answer the following questions.
1. Whose phone call was not returned?
(A) Miki's
(B) Joe's
(C) Susan's
2. What is missing?
(A) a phone message
(B) a chair
(C) a note pad
3. Who apologizes to Susan?
(A) Miki
(B) Jimmy Cliff
(C) Cathy
4. Who finds the missing item?
(A) Miki
(B) Joe
(C) Susan
5. What does Susan think they should change?
(A) her choice of music
(B) Cathy's friends
(C) their system for phone messages
Now watch the interview and answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of the woman being interviewed?
(A) Lisa
(B) Sally
(C) Jessie
2. What does she think is important for getting along with roommates?
(A) being open and honest
(B) keeping your room clean
(C) avoiding conversation
3. Does she think living in the dorm is a good experience?
(A) yes
(B) no
(C) maybe
4. What reasons does she give? (Choose two.)
(A) meeting people
(B) good food
(C) getting to class on time
(D) parking is available
Monday, November 20, 2006
Miki: Just Tell Me (Answers)
Watch the video.
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (B)
4. (C)
5. (B)
the interview
1. (B)
2. (C)
3. (A)
4. (B)
Miki: Just Tell Me
Watch the video of Miki talking with Susan, and answer the following questions.
1. What does Susan do that bothers Miki?
(A) She enters Miki's room without knocking.
(B) She sits on Miki's bed with her shoes on.
(C) She invites Miki for coffee.
2. Why doesn't Miki say anything to Susan?
(A) She's too shy.
(B) She doesn't really like coffee.
(C) She wants a new roommate.
3. Does Susan get angry with Miki?
(A) yes
(B) no
4. Where will Miki and Susan go together?
(A) to Susan's room
(B) to the housing office
(C) to get some coffee
5. What does Susan ask Miki to do in the future?
(A) to read more fashion magazines
(B) to tell Susan if something bothers her
(C) to drink less coffee
Now watch the interview and answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of the woman being interviewed?
(A) Susan
(B) Ladybird
(C) Milly
2. Where is she from?
(A) China
(B) Japan
(C) Hong Kong
3. What advice does she give?
(A) be outgoing
(B) be careful about what you say
(C) don't try to make friends
4. How does she describe her experience in the United States?
(A) she couldn't make friends
(B) people are nice
(C) you're welcome
Monday, November 13, 2006
Miki looks for Roommates (Answers)
1. (A) and (C)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (B) and (C)
5. (A)
The interview
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (A)
4. (A)
Miki looks for Roommates
1. What are Miki's new roommates' names? (Choose two)
(A) Susan
(B) Andrea
(C) Kathy
(D) Christy
2. Does Miki wnat something to drink?
(A) yes
(B) no
3. What does Miki like to cook?
(A) interesting food
(B) Chinese dishes
(C) Japanese dishes
4. What rooms does her roommate show Miki? (Choose two)
(A) dorm room
(B) kitchen
(C) living room
(D) the garage
5.Why does Miki join her roommate when she goes to the housing office?
(A) to get to know the campus better
(B) going in twos is safer
(C) they will meet an explorer there
Now watch the interview and answer the following questions.
1. Living "on campus" means living where?
(A) in an apartment
(B) in a dorm
(C) in a mansion
2. Which is better for meeting new people?
(A) living on campus
(B) living off campus
3, Which people don't have to do any cooking?
(A) those who live on campus
(B) those who live off campus
4. How do some students save money?
(A) they find a roommate
(B) they cook for their friends
(C) they ask Lauren for money
Monday, October 30, 2006
Miki has a 10:30 appointment
1. What is Miki's advisor's name?
(A) Dr. Smith
(B) Dr. Jones
(C) Dr. Porter
2. What is Miki's major?
(A) economics
(B) psychology
(C) basket weaving
3. What year is Miki in university?
(A) first year (freshman)
(B) second year (sophomore)
(C) third year (junior)
4. Where does Miki prefer to live?
(A) in the dorm
(B) off campus
(C) at the student housing office
5. Where does her advisor suggest Miki go?
(A) a student club
(B) the housing office
(C) a real estate agency
Monday, June 12, 2006
Conversation at a restaurant (student B)
At a Restaurant
Student: Yes, I’d like (the grilled chicken sandwich/ the sirloin steak/ the broiled salmon). Does that come with anything?
Student: Yes, I’d like a salad as well. Which one do you recommend?
Student: What's in it?
Student: Sounds great. I’ll have that.
Student: Yes, I’ll have a coke please.
Student: Now please.
Coversation at a restaurant (student A)
At a Restaurant
Waiter: Excuse me. Are you ready to order?
Waiter: The Caesar Salad is very nice.
Waiter: It’s a lettuce salad tossed with an olive oil dressing and topped with grated cheese and croutons.
Waiter: Fine. Would you like anything to drink?
Waiter: Would you like that now or with your meal?
Waiter: Certainly, I’ll bring it right away.
The ABC's of conversation starting
The ABC’s of Conversation Starting
A = Talking a __ __ __ t yourself.
B = Asking to b __ __ __ __ w something.
C = American students like to c __ __ __ about relationships.
D = You may find a new friend in the d __ __ __ itory.
E = Enjoy e__ __ __ng a meal while you talk to a new friend.
F = Make new f __ __ __ __ ds with American students.
G = Don’t spend all your time with a g __ __ __ p of Meijo students.
H = H __ __ __ fun talking to Americans.
I = Asking someone’s hometown is a good way to break the i __ __.
J = American students may tell you j __ __ __ s.
K = K __ __ __ an open mind about the people you meet.
L = You may even fall in l __ __ __ during your time in America, who knows!
M = American students love going to and talking about the latest m __ __ __ es.
N = All the people you meet will be n __ __ __ __ e speakers.
O = O __ __ __ r your opinion whenever you can.
P = Things Japanese are p __ __ __ lar in America.
Q = Americans in general tend not to be q __ __ __ t.
R = Meet people of other r __ __ __ s such as Hispanics and African-Americans.
S = You may hear lots of American s __ __ __ g like “dude” and “tight”.
T = T __ __ __ ing with American students will improve your English.
U = Join in a game of u __ __ __ mate frisbee.
V = Your time overseas is v __ __ __ able.
W = Talking about the w __ __ __ __ er is a common conversation starter.
X = Ex __ __ __ nge ideas with other students in the dorm.
Y = Most students will graduate in 4 y __ __ __ s.
Z = Z __ __ __ in on English!
Keiko's homestay (answers)
1. huge
2. lovely
part 2
1. have a barbecue
2. Chris
3. help (with the drinks)
Keiko's homestay part 2
1. What does the host father offer to do for Keiko? _________________________
2. Who will they invite? _________________________
3. What does Keiko offer to do? __________________________
Keiko's homestay part 1
1. What does Keiko say about the house when she first sees it?
Keiko: It's beautiful. It's so _____________.
2. What does Keiko say about her room?
Keiko: Oh, it's ___________. What a nice room.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Miki's looking for Old Main Hall (Answers)
1. (A) and (C)
2. no
3. pretty far, library, five minute
4. (B) and (C)
5. yes
6. building C
The interview:
1. Neil
2. find out
3. talk to, blogs
Miki's looking for Old Main Hall
1. What does Miki say to the first woman she meets? (Choose two.)
(A) Sorry to bother you
(B) I'm sorry
(C) Don't worry
(D) I wish I could be more helpful
2. Can the first woman help Miki find Old Main Hall? ____________
3. What does the first man she meets tell Miki about Old main Hall?
(Fill in the blanks.)
"Sure. OK. It's _______ _____ from here. Um, you see the _______ over there? That big building? It's just past that; it's about a _______ __________ walk from here."
4. What does Miki say to the second man she meets? (Choose two.)
(A) No problem
(B) Excuse me
(C) Uh-huh
(D) That's Old Main Hall
5. Does the second man help Miki to find Old Main Hall? ________
6. Where is Old Main Hall? Building ________

Watch the interview and answer the following questions or fill in the blanks.
1. What's the student's name? ______________
2. His advice is that students should ______ ______ about classes before they enroll (登録) in them.
3. Students can ______ ___ other students or get online and read ______ of other students' experience in those classes.
The ABC's of Homestays
A = Don’t be afraid to a __ __ your host family if you have any questions.
B = Don’t use all the hot water when you take a b __ __ __.
C = Go for a drive in the family c __ __.
D = Your family may have a pet d __ __ or cat.
E = American families normally e __ __ dinner around 6:00 PM.
F = Your host f __ __ __ ly will be pleased to see you.
G = Bring g __ __ __ s for your host family.
H = Americans often greet each other by h __ __ __ing.
I = Your host family will be i __ __ __ re __ __ ed in you and your home country.
J = Your host family may tell you some American j __ __ __ s.
K = If your host family gives you a house k __ __, don’t lose it.
L = You might be able to do l __ __ __ dry at your host family’s home.
M = Mind your m __ __ __ ers at the dinner table.
N = Don’t slurp if you eat n __ __ __ les.
O = O __ __ __ r to help with doing the dishes.
P = You might be asked to join in a p __ __ __ er before you eat.
Q = Don’t be too q __ __ __ t at your host family’s home.
R = Americans don’t usually r __ __ __ ve their shoes when they enter a home.
S = Many Americans take s __ __ __ ers rather than baths.
T = The t __ __ __ et is often in the same room as the shower or bath-tub.
U = Don’t get u __ __ __ t if you don’t u __ __ __rstand everything you are told.
V = Your host mother may want to v __ __ __ um your bedroom.
W = Americans w __ __ __ hip by going to church on Sundays.
X = Bring an __ x __ __ a Japanese magazine to show your host family
Y = There may be a large y __ __ __ around your host family’s home..
Z = Someone might ask your sign of the z __ __ __ ac (Taurus, Pisces, etc.).
Home Stay Dialogue 2 (student B)
Asking for help
Practice this conversation with your partner.
Host Mother:
Student: Er, er….I am hungry but I’m afraid I don’t like carrots so much.
Host Mother:
Student: Yes, actually I don’t like (fill in the foods you don’t like).
Host Mother:
Student: I felt a little cold last night in bed.
Host Mother:
Student: There is one other thing could you explain how to take a bath again? I had trouble getting the water temperature quite right.
Host Mother:
Home Stay Dialogue 2 (student A)
Asking for help
Practice this conversation with a partner.
Host Mother: (fill in your partner’s name), we are having roast pork, carrots, onion rings and potatoes for dinner tonight. Are you hungry?
Host Mother: Oh! I didn’t know. Is there anything else you don’t like?
Host Mother: Thanks for telling me, I’ll avoid those foods while you are here. By the way, is everything else okay?
Host Mother: Oh dear, you should have said something this morning at breakfast. Let me show you where the extra blankets are.
Host Mother: Sure let me show you. Let’s go upstairs.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Home Stay Dialogue (Student B)
Practice this dialogue with a partner. You are the visiting student.
Host Parent:
Student: Thank you, I’m really excited to be here.
Host Parent:
Student: Yes, I do, but I don’t often have a chance to eat it because beef is so expensive in Japan.
Host Parent:
Student: Oh, that sounds great! Can I help with anything?
Host Parent:
Student: Yes, please.
Host Parent:
Student: Oh, what a nice room. I’m sure I will.
Home Stay Dialogue (Student A)
Practice this dialogue with a partner. You are the home stay parent.
Host Parent: Welcome to our home, (name) .
Host Parent: I hope you like barbecued steak. We’re having it for dinner.
Host Parent: We’ll be eating in the dining room at about 6.
Host Parent: No, everything’s already prepared. Would you like to see the room you’ll be sleeping in?
Host Parent: Here it is. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
New Orleans
New Orleans:
New Orleans is a former colony (植民地) of what country? __________________
Large farms around New Orleans were called _________________.
What kind of music developed in New Orleans? ____________________
What new religion developed here? ___________________
What river runs through New Orleans? ____________________
The Interview:
What ingredients does she use in her recipe? Write as many as you can.
______________, _______________, ______________,
______________, _______________, ______________,
______________, _______________, ______________,
New Orleans (Answers)
New Orleans:
the Mississippi River
The Interview:
butter, shrimp or chicken, garlic, mushrooms, peas, potatoes, pepper,
salt, parsley, paprika
Monday, May 22, 2006
Chicago (Answers)
The interview:
Pizzeria Uno
deep dish, thin crust
sausage, pepperoni, onion, green pepper, mushroom
Chicago is America's _______________ largest city after New York and Los Angeles.
Downtown Chicago was destroyed by _________ in 1871.
Chicago is also called "The _____________ City."
Chicago is the home of ____________ music.
The Interview:
What is the name of the restaurant? _____________ __________
What 2 kinds of pizza does he talk about? ________________, __________________
What are 3 ingredients on the Numero Uno pizza? __________________,
_____________________, ____________________
How does he describe the price of pizzas? ______________________
Dialogue at the Immigration Counter (Student B)
Practice this dialogue with a partner. You are the visiting student.
Immigration Official:
Visiting Student: Here you are.
Immigration Official:
Visiting Student: I’m here to learn about American culture and language.
Immigration Official:
Visiting Student: 3 weeks.
Immigration Official:
Visiting Student: I’ll be staying in a dormitory at Oregon State University.
Immigration Official:
Visiting Student: Yes, I’m here with a group of students from Meijo University.
Immigration Official:
Visiting Student: About 500 dollars.
Immigration Official:
Monday, May 15, 2006
American Coins Worksheet
Click on the image to enlarge it
Look at the coins above and then choose the name and value for each from the word box below.
A: name _______________________
Value _______________________
B: name________________________
Value _______________________
C: name ________________________
Value _______________________
D: name _______________________
Value _______________________

Which coin do you like best and why? ____________________________________
2 quarters and 3 dimes = _______________
2 dimes, 3 nickels, and 4 pennies = ______________
4 quarters = ___________________
1 nickel and 5 pennies = ______________
Monday, May 08, 2006
New York (Answers)
New York
New York is called “The Big Apple”
The financial center is called Wall Street.
Central Park is one of the largest city parks in the world.
New York is also called “The city that never sleeps.”
The Interview
What shows are “hot” (popular) at the moment? The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast
What show is Bob himself working on? Charlie Brown
What award does he talk about? The Tony Awards
Fill in the missing words.
I’m independent and I work for projects . I do the shows regardless of what theaters they are in.
What’s your favorite theater to work in?
The Minskov, great crew, great bunch of men.
New York
New York
New York is called “The Big ______”
The financial center is called ____ ______.
_______ Park is one of the largest city parks in the world.
New York is also called “The city that never ______.”
The Interview
What shows are “hot” (popular) at the moment?
What show is Bob himself working on?
What award does he talk about?
Fill in the missing words.
I’m ___________ and I work for ________ . I do the _____ regardless of what ________ they ___ in.
What’s your favorite theater to work in?
___ Minskov, _____ crew, great _____ of men.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Dialogue in a Dormitory Lounge (Student B)
After reviewing the American college slang, practice this dialogue with a partner.
(James is watching television in the lounge and Toshi walks in.)
Toshi: Hey James, what’s up? who’s playing?
Toshi: Sweet! the NBA is tight, dog.
Toshi: Yeah, they think it’s dope.
Toshi: Dog, nobody beats Kobe Bryant, he’s phat!
Toshi: Sorry dog but you’re wrong! He’s hella sick.
Toshi: I’m gonna chill here, dog.
Dialogue in a Dormitory Lounge (Student A)
After reviewing the American college slang, practice this dialogue with a partner.
(James is watching television in the lounge and Toshi walks in.)
James: The Portland Trailblazers and the Los Angeles Lakers.
James: Do your homeys in Japan like the NBA?
James: Who’ s your favorite player?
James: No, he’s all about the bling-bling, dude.
James: Well, anyway, I gotta bounce, dude.
Oregon and USA Web Search (Answers)
the temperature varies (___°F)
they won
lecture learning
Angela Merkel
Crawford, Texas
50 states
Mount Hood
beaver state
Douglas Fir
Oregon and USA Web Search
What is the current temperature in Corvallis?
Did OSU's football team win or lose?
What kind of learning can be a problem?
What world leader did President Bush meet recently?
Where did they meet?
What animal appears on the Oregon state flag?
What is the highest point in Oregon?
What is the nickname of Oregon?
What is the population of Oregon?
What is the state tree?
Go to the following web site
Then click on the slide shows under 各地観光案内 and view them, especially the ウィラメットバレー one. Be patient. They take some time to load
The ABCs of America
A = United States of A__ __ __ __ ca.
B = The birthplace of the American Revolution is B __ __ __ __ n.
C = Washington DC is the c __ __ __ __al of the United States.
D = Two major political parties are the Republicans and the Demo__ __ __ __s.
E = The USA declared independence from Eng__ __ __ __ in 1776.
F = Walt Disney World is in the state of F__ __ __ __da.
G = There are 5 G__ __ __t Lakes, Huron、Superior, Erie, Michigan and Ontario.
H = H __ __ __ __rd is the most famous University in the USA.
I = The original Americans were I__ __ __ans.
J = A famous American president is Thomas J__ __ __ __rson.
K = John F. K__ __ __ __dy was killed in Dallas in 1963.
L = The largest city in California is L __ __ A __ __eles.
M = The longest river in the USA is the M __ __ __ __ssippi.
N = The Statue of Liberty is in the city of N __ __ Y __ __k.
O = A state on the west coast is O __ __ __ __n.
P = The leader of the USA is called the P __ __ __ __dent.
Q = A borough of New York City is called Qu__ __ __s.
R = The American Revo__ __ __ __on began in 1776.
S = Ichiro plays baseball for the S __ __ __ __le Mariners.
T = President George W. Bush comes from the state of T __ __ __ s.
U = Oregon State U __ __ __ __rsity.
V = America fought a war with V __ __ __nam in the 1960s and 1970s.
W = The first president was George W __ __ __ __ngton.
X = Malcolm __ was a black civil rights leader.
Y = Another famous American university is Y __ __ __.
Z = The z __ __ code for Corvallis, Oregon is 97330.
Boston Answers
1. The Charles River
2. 10 million
3. 1776
4. 40
5. Law, Business, Medicine, Chemistry, Literature, Government
6. Business
7. Nearby
8. Goes to the gym, run, sees her friends.
9. It's whatever you want it to be. If you wanna go out, party, do anything you can. If you wanna sit in your and study all night like my friend over here, you can also do that.
10. 10 o'clock (pm)
11. Go to a party or watch a movie.
12. Music
Watch the video and answer the following questions with your partner
1. What river runs through Boston?
2. How many visitors visit Boston each year?
3. When was the declaration of independence signed?
4. How many colleges and universities are there in Boston?
Listen to the interview with the Director of Communications of Harvard University and answer the questions with your partner
5. What subjects are mentioned by the Director of Communications?
6. What school is particularly well-known at Harvard?
Listen to the interview with student number one and answer the questions with your partner
7. Where does student one live?
8. What does student one do in her free time?
Fill in the missing words for student two
It’s whatever you ---- it to be. If you wanna go out,-----, do anything you can. If you wanna --- in your room and ----- all night like my ------ over here, you can also do ----.
Listen to the interview with student number three and answer the questions with your partner
10. What time does student three usually stop studying on Friday night?
11. What do students normally do on a Friday night after they finish studying?
Listen to the interview with student number four and answer the questions with your partner
12. What is student four interested in?
Harvard University
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Label the Oregon Map
Click on the map for a larger image

Word bank:
Blue Mountains
Columbia River
Coos Bay
Crater Lake National Park
The Dalles
Grants Pass
Harney Basin
Klamath Falls
Malheur Lake
Mt. Hood
Pacific Ocean
Snake River
Upper Klamath Lake
Willamette River
Map of Oregon Quiz (Answers)
1. Salem
2. Washington
3. Idaho
4. California and Nevada
5. The Pacific Ocean
6. The Columbia River
7. The Willamette River
8. Crater Lake National Park
9. The Blue Mountains
10. Mount Hood
Map of Oregon Quiz
Click on the map for a larger image

1. What is the capital city of Oregon? ________________________________
2. What state borders Oregon on the north? _______________________________
3. What state borders Oregon on the east? _______________________________
4. What two states border Oregon on the south? ___________________________ and ___________________________
5. What ocean borders Oregon on the west? ___________________________
6. What is the name of the river that forms the northern border of Oregon? ______________________________________
7. What is the name of the river that runs through Salem? _________________________________________________
8. What is the name of the National Park in southwestern Oregon? ___________________________
9. What is the name of the mountain range in northeastern Oregon ? ______________________________________
10. The highest point in Oregon is a volcano that is 11,239 feet tall. What is its name? _____________________________________________
Monday, April 10, 2006
Map of the USA Quiz (Answers)
1. Washington D.C.
2. Canada
3. Mexico
4. The Pacific Ocean
5. The Atlantic Ocean
6. The Gulf of Mexico
7. The Great Lakes
8. The Rocky Mountains
9. The Appalachian Mountains
10. The Mississippi River
Map of the USA Quiz
Click on the map to see a larger image.

1. What is the capital city of the USA? ________________________________
2. What country borders the USA on the north? _______________________________
3. What country borders the USA on the south? _______________________________
4. What ocean borders the USA on the west? _____________________________________
5. What ocean borders the USA on the east? _____________________________________
6. What large body of water (a gulf) borders the USA on the southeast? ______________________________________
7. What are the huge lakes in the northeastern USA called? _________________________________________________
8. What is the name of the large mountain range in the western USA that runs from Canada to Texas? ____________________________________
9. What is the name of the large mountain range in the eastern USA? ______________________________________
10. What is the name of the large river that flows north-south through the USA? _____________________________________________
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Map of the USA (Answers)
Click on map to see a larger version.

Bonus Questions
1. What state is the largest by area?
A. Texas B. Alaska C. Montana
2. Which state has the largest population?
A. California B. New York C. Texas
3. Which state is the smallest by area?
A. Hawaii B. Rhode Island C. Pennsylvania
4. Which state are you going to visit?
A. Washington B. California C. Oregon
5. Which state does President Bush come from?
A. Washington B. Texas C. Florida
6. Ichiro plays for the Seattle Mariners. Which state is Seattle in?
A. Washington B. Oregon C. California
7. Hideki Matsui plays for the Yankees. Which state is New York City in?
A. Massachusetts B. Delaware C. New York
Answers: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C
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